Page name: Members of TWOK [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 16:45:47
Last author: Vou
Owner: Vou
# of watchers: 4
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It seems you've strayed away from the beach and now have
ended up here in claimed territory. . .

Just put your username inside the 'center' tags,
and underneath the previous roleplayer's name
and such. Please, do NOT put your character's info on this page!
Put it on a separate wiki page and use "[Character Name Here @ Wiki ]"
to link it back here. Put it inside the parentheses, and the rank will
be added by the Alphas of the packs. But make sure you put what
pack you are apart of when registering completely.

Which side are you on?
Niveus or Orinthos

Also introducing the Animal Spies and The Invading 2-legs.

[Vou] (Vatheris, Alpha Male of Niveus; Oki, Lead Healer/Alpha female of Orinthos)
[Erubeus] (Tasem, Alpha female of Niveus; Aarose&&Aluxx)
[Atayemi] (Gurei, Alpha Male of Orinthos)
[Phantom Puppet_Magician] (Demona, Lead Hunter of Orinthos)
[Swollenfish] (Zanrus, Beta Male of Niveus)
[The Dark Wolf]- (Tabattage)
[Rhymes With Orange]- (::Nienna::)

Old Members of TWOK <-- Up for the time being if you still wish to join, then there's your characters and such.

Back to The Wolves of Karn.

Username (or number or email):


2007-07-11 [Lin-tastic]: Can someone check out my character? I wanna know if she's okay... And I hope that you don't mind I added the last part...^_^"

2007-07-12 [Erubeus]: You'd actually have to ask Bobo...

2007-07-12 [Vou]: Yes, you must run it by Silent... it's fine with me if you take those spots.. and I'm sure he'll think it's fine, but I'm only saying..

2007-07-12 [Vou]: Uhm... ._. This is a wolf roleplay...

2007-07-12 [Vou]: And.. they're on an island.. >>;; no technology... they do have their weapons, but they are still sort of 'basic...ish... they do not have such things to create such garments and stuff.. >>;;

2007-07-12 [Erubeus]: Yeah... No oubt.. -just read it-

2007-07-12 [Lin-tastic]: -shrugs- That's why I wanted you guys to read it. ^_^

Oh, and if you can sew by hand, you can make any garment of just takes longer...^_^" I can take out the jeans and jacket and junk and make her a bit more primative, but can I keep the jewelry? They're

Oh, and yes, I know this is a wolf roleplay, but why do you ask about what species you are if we're all going to play wolves? I kinda figured it was similar to Blood and Chocolate, but seeing as how it isn't, only wolves, then...

2007-07-12 [Erubeus]: Species of wolf. There are more than one kind of wolf in the world.. ._.

2007-07-12 [Vou]: Ah, okies then. :) You can keep the jewelry.. that's fine with me. And you make certain things, just as long as you explain how you acquired it in one way or another... just so it sounds more primitive.

And the wolves thing, yeah, there's more than one species of wolf. Although their bloodlines are similar, it does not mean they are exactly the same.. such as, my wolf is similar to a Mackenzie Valley Wolf (my favorite)...

Eh, that's sort of stupid now that I think about it.. I think I only put it up there out of habit. XD

2007-07-13 [Lin-tastic]: -nods- I'll be changing her soon. ^_^" Oh, and yes, I can make her clothing more primative. ^_^

2007-07-13 [Vou]: Okay, for [Mags], I am going to put you without rank for now... but as the roleplay progresses, or as you can talk it over with [silent_voice] about being Alpha Female. Alright? ^_^

2007-07-13 [Lin-tastic]: Shveet!!!

2007-07-18 [Lin-tastic]: Hey, how many more people are we waiting for?

2007-07-18 [Vou]: Uhm, we at least want to see if the Beta Male position of Orinthos is needing to be filled.. It's all Brendan's call really.

2007-07-19 [Lin-tastic]: -nods- What does Omega mean? I know it's a Greek letter, but what does it mean in the packs?

2007-07-19 [Vou]: Omega is the lowest rank of the clan. The alphas pick on him or her.. and even all of the other ranks.

2007-07-19 [Lin-tastic]: Even pups?

2007-07-19 [Vou]: No.. they have no rank.

2007-07-19 [Lin-tastic]: Hmm...Okay. ^_^

2007-07-19 [Lin-tastic]: If people are willing, comment in Lireal about history and what not...^_^ Okay?

2007-07-24 [Lin-tastic]: Nevermind. ^_^ I figured something

2007-11-22 [Vou]: Ah, I want people to come in and erase their names or update whatever if you all still want to be in this roleplay. Or else, I'm getting rid of everything. I'm redoing Vatheris though..

2007-11-22 [Eyonic]: ooo, so how do I join???

2007-11-22 [Sharky87]: Ehe.. I think I'll erase my self.. I might join again though..after my exams..oki?

2007-11-23 [Lin-tastic]: I'm thinking I'll wait on the whoil joining this thing...maybe later when I have time.

2007-11-23 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Oooooo! I want back on! Same character, same position! ^ ^

2007-11-23 [Lin-tastic]: XD Change it, then. ^_^

2007-11-23 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: ?????

2007-11-23 [Erubeus]: Edit it and put your name, wolf and rank up then.

2007-11-23 [Vou]: That's cool. ^_^ I want you to be able to actually post in it at least every other day to keep things going. D:

2007-11-23 [Erubeus]: I making a couple of other wolves as well.
Mowgle and Kapu, an Ethiopian and a Maned.

2007-11-23 [Vou]: Ah, very well. Just make sure you can keep up with them. ^_^

2007-11-23 [Erubeus]: Pft.
I can.
Only stopped posting cause I left.

2007-11-23 [Vou]: I was merely saying.. D:
Oh yeah, wanna stay the night Saturday?

2007-11-23 [Erubeus]: I did reply to your message, lady.
Did you not get it?

2007-11-23 [Vou]: No. O_O

2007-11-23 [Erubeus]: You should have.. ._.

2007-12-28 [The Dark Wolf]: Hi... emmm... May I join this Rp sounds very good...

2007-12-28 [Erubeus]: Yes, you may.

2007-12-28 [The Dark Wolf]: sweet what do i gotta do... I know the rules and what not.... but what my next step?

2007-12-28 [Erubeus]: Make your characters and out him/her up.

2007-12-28 [The Dark Wolf]: do i need permission to be either a healer or Alpha Female?

2007-12-28 [Erubeus]: Alpha female is taken in both packs, sorry.
And Hige won't mind if you are a healer.

2007-12-28 [The Dark Wolf]: ok thank you.... ^^ i'll start on my char now.

2007-12-28 [Erubeus]: =3

2007-12-28 [The Dark Wolf]: What do you think? it still needs some fine twicking... but is this good? Tabattage

2007-12-29 [Erubeus]: It's good so far, now put your character up on the page like everyone else.
-points up to the page-
Then place him in his rightful position on the nivues page.

2007-12-29 [The Dark Wolf]: the Niveus page is pass word protected i cant add my char.

2007-12-29 [Erubeus]: Oh.. Right.. I will add her.

2007-12-29 [The Dark Wolf]: ^^ thank you.

2007-12-29 [Erubeus]: Start rping when you wish.

2007-12-29 [The Dark Wolf]: thank you.... Can i start as an out sider first... one who has no pack and come upon the Niveus pack? would that be all right?

2007-12-29 [Erubeus]: Then you are a no rank right now. -shrugs- Fine by me.

2007-12-29 [The Dark Wolf]: ^^ thank you.

2009-08-17 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Dose this mean what I think it dose?!?!?!?!!!!!

2009-08-17 [Vou]: Yes it means this roleplay is coming back, but changes have been made. =]

2009-08-17 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: eeeppppps!!!!! ^ ^  ...what changes?

2009-08-17 [Vou]: go to the main page.

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